National Minimum Wage Nightmares

The National Minimum Wage (NMW) can be a business owner’s worst nightmare and a payroll headache. Imagine the horror of being named and shamed by the Government for underpaying employees. Unfortunately, this nightmare became a reality for over 200 UK employers, ranging from major high street brands to sole traders. The repercussions? A staggering £7 million in penalties and the task of compensating 63,000 workers. It’s time to face the NMW challenge head-on and get it right … Read more

Holiday Pay – 12.07% RIP

The supreme court has dismissed the Harpur Trust vs Brazel appeal and so 12.07% cannot be used for holiday pay. All workers need to receive 5.6 weeks holiday pay (not pro-rated) and zero paid weeks need to be excluded from 1-week’s average pay. Payroll will need to maintain weekly pay records, even if using a non-weekly pay frequency e.g. monthly or 2-weekly. Software will need to retain a list of the last 104 weeks (maximum) on each … Read more

I can see my pay at the beginning of the month!

Live payslip

“I get paid monthly and it’s the beginning of the month. From my mobile, I can instantly see my live payslip with all the payroll calculations showing gross pay, taxes and net pay. I love being able to know how much I am due anytime 24×7 without waiting until the end of the month” Today’s workers expects the consumer experience The traditional payroll process hasn’t changed for the best part of a century; consigned to the back-office … Read more

paiyroll® recognised by HMRC

We are proud to report that paiyroll® has now been recognised by HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC)!