Start with these 3 files to import:
Employee Details.csv
Employee YTD.csv
Monthly Payment Type History.xlsx [and/or Weekly Payment Type History.xlsx]
Click the Import button and select Start
If the Sage 50 files include multiple pay schedule frequencies (e.g. weekly and monthly) then you will need to import each frequency separately.
On the first wizard screen:
Leave Company blank as you will be creating a new company called Test company which can be renamed later.
Click each Choose file to select both employee CSV files and a payment file.
Click Upload files.
On the second wizard screen:
The Found tax reference can be used to check you are importing the intended company.
Mode should be set to the default Create “Test company” for the first import to create a new company. For the 2nd or subsequent import select Merge workers with “Test company” to merge a new import into an existing company.
If you select Delete then re-create “Test company” you will lose any changes made.
If you only have one pay schedule frequency, Select pay schedule and target pay day: will be set. Otherwise, select the first frequency to import.
You must also enter the Pay period end date. This is not the pay date – it is the last day that employees worked and were paid.
AWE (Average Weekly Earnings) history is extracted from the payment history file. You need to specify which payment names are relevant in Extract AWE history from:. AWE normally includes all earnings that are subject to NI. If you have a small number of payment types, you can provide a list of the names separated by semi-colon e.g. Salary; Bonus. If you have many payments this can be tedious. Instead, you can use a shorthand for example .* will match all payments.
Regular expressions are a shorthand way of grouping several names using special characters. paiyroll® identifies all top-level payments for you in the help text. For convenience, you can copy/paste these values to save typing. Optionally you can then add * to match multiple payment names. For example, Shift* would match payment names Shift 1 Shift 2 Shift 3
Extract holiday pay history from: needs to be specified in a similar way to AWE. Because holiday pay should be excluded, the regex .* must not be used because it includes all names and would, therefore, include the word ‘Holiday’.
paiyroll® will create a Holiday Pay Definition for you, just provide the name you would like to use. Holiday is a suitable choice.
Enter the name of salary payment type used in Sage 50 into Extract salary history from:. This might be Salary or Directors Salary. If you do not pay a salary, then enter a regex that will not match for example Not_Used will not match any payments used.
Enter the Pay Defintion name you would like to use in Salary in Save salary history to:. e.g. Salary. If you don’t use a salary for a particular pay schedule, then enter a name you can identify and delete later like Salary (not used)
Click Import files to start the import. The import may take some time to complete depending upon size. Review the log information for any messages.
If you have a second schedule, then repeat the above steps in the two wizard pages to import the schedule carefully ensuring you select the mode Merge workers with “Test company”.
The following are automatically created during import:
Pay schedules
Workflow Definitions
Report Definitions
Pay Definitions and Pay Items
Payment Pay Definitions for all payment types from the Sage 50 files.
A Salary Pay Item is added using the most recent payment value identified for each employee. The annual salary will be correct assuming a full payment was made. If a partial or larger payment was made, e.g new starter, then this will need to be corrected.
Sage 50 files include numbered departments which have been created. You may wish to rename these Departments with more meaningful names.
Once complete, a pay run is automatically started and ready in a few seconds. You should review the payslips in My documents