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Handling pay run report submission exceptions

2 min read

Follow this guide to handle one or more report submission exceptions.

Confirm the cause #

Go to Pay runs and View the failing pay run to establish the cause of the exception. A report exception will also cause a pay run exception and the pay run will display Wait.

  1. If the pay run process was the cause of the exception see the related article here.
  2. If a report needs a refreshed Token follow the steps here first.
  3. If the report submission was the cause of the exception, follow the steps below.

My Tasks #

Go to My tasks and carefully identify the report that is failing.

Then click Handle Exception as Master Admin (you may need to repeat for multiple reports):

If there are multiple administrators, you may see a screen where you need to assign the Task to you by clicking Done:

Report submission options #

Depending upon the type of error, choose one of the options below:

1. Continue the submission #

The first option to try in all cases is the default option to Continue the report submission as below:

If the above steps fail, usually very quickly, then you will need to restart the submission in the next section.

2. Restart the submission #

Change the Restart option below to Restart the report submission. This allows the entire report to be re-submitted from the start:

3. Reload settings #

In some cases, report settings need to be changed, and then reloaded. These include:

Token refresh_token error Bad Request (400) {"error":"invalid_grant"} from
 incorrect RTI credentials.

Ensure the token has been refreshed.

After assigning the task, you will need to change Reload settings to Use new settings from the report definition instead of the settings from the pay run and Restart the report submission

4. End the report submission #

If you are sure that you want to end the report submission, choose this option. Typically, this is because:

  • You have an alternative method to submit a report e.g. CSV
  • You need to redo the pay run

Verify #

Check that the report has been completed successfully.

You will then likely wish to proceed and resume the pay run.

Handle the Pay run exception #

After a report submission exception has been handled, you will need to handle the pay run exception. Follow the related guide on handling pay run exceptions

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