Payroll automation means you can do payroll in zero minutes!
Payroll in minutes? Automated holiday pay? Never have to create payslips again? No more duplicate payroll IDs? Tax codes handled? The list goes on and it might sound too good to be true, but we created this software because we were shocked that in the 21st century businesses and payroll professionals still face the same issues that can be solved with automation.
If you have a few minutes let us take you through how it works!
Ready to give paiyroll® a go?
payroll in 3, 2, 1, Zero!
- When integrated with your HR or time and attendance system, paiyroll® automatically collects employee shift/timesheet data via API for starters, leavers and every pay item (e.g. salary, benefits, bonus, shifts) on a daily basis. You don’t have to do a thing. Without API integration, you can always upload your data into paiyroll® in just a few clicks.
- paiyroll® uses continuous calculation which drives live payslips so payroll is always up to date. The entire payroll process is automated and uses AI to trigger the next step, without you even having to ask.
- Live payslips are ready to view on the App in real-time. Pay changes dynamically as and when new data is provided. A pay run is only completed once your administrator approves it, then payslips become available for employees to download via the App.
how payroll automation works
Autoamated workflows
Workflows are processes that follow a predefined flow. Every payroll process includes multiple workflows, even if they are not documented. There are two main types of workflow:
Person-Software-Person for example holiday booking between an employee and their manager.
Software-Software, for example paiyroll® uses API to collect data from third party sources e.g collects tax codes from HMRC servers during every pay run workflow.
paiyroll includes workflows for Absences (holiday, sickness, maternity, paternity etc.), Timesheets Pay run, Approvals and Report submissions.
Essentially we have an automated workflow to automate the entire payroll processes. Using API makes the process a whole lot quicker, bringing you payroll in minutes!
Click ‘learn more’ to find out about API.
Learn moreLive payslips
Unlike traditional payroll which is only ready at the end of a pay cycle, our payroll is ready from day 1. Whether it’s the 1st of the month or the 1st day of the week, payroll is ready and visible to all as soon as you input data.
If you have ordered online, you’ve experienced the ability to get a 24×7 view of when a delivery is expected. Live payroll works the same way. By making sure payroll is ready from the beginning of the payroll cycle, each time a worker accesses their live payslip, the mobile app shows their expected payslip. It takes all available data to date and completes an entire pay run, on-demand, instantly, on the worker’s mobile. As new data is added e.g. commission, bonus, timesheet, starter, leaving date or change, the system is updated in real-time just like an online order.
Because everyone can see live pay, employees flag any errors before pay day.
In simple terms, an API is a method by which one piece of software can ‘talk’ to another piece of software (the ‘application’) to gather information. Being a cloud application, paiyroll® makes extensive use of these – paiyroll® ‘talks’ to your Time and Attendance system to gather shift data, to pensions providers to gather opt-in/-out data, and to HMRC to gather tax code data and reporting software to export reports and so on.
As well as all the legislative calculations like PAYE, NIC, Automatic Enrolment, Student/Postgraduate loans and Attachments, Payroll includes important calculations for many complex scenarios that are normally perfumed manual ‘off-payroll’.
Maternity, Paternity, Adoption
We collect all the data for payroll using the following:
New starter forms
NI number
Employee details
Tax codes
Pension providers
HR system
Time & Attendance system
Opt-out, refunds
Shift/Timesheets (Excel or CSV)
Holiday requests and absences
E-mail, SMS, Voice
All reports for Employees, managers and administrators are generated on-demand. You will never have to generate or distribute a document again.
Export real-time reports (Excel, Power BI, etc)
Payslips (incl. P60 and P45s)
Still have more questions?
Contact usai payroll software.
real human support.
100% automated payroll for all pay elements incl. holiday pay, tax codes, salary pro-rata, NI and NMW.
Works with API or upload any spreadsheet (no edits needed!).
Payroll processing time is reduced by 75%, saving you 3 days a week!
Try it for free