Follow this guide to upload or correct holiday or AWE (Average Weekly Earnings) history at any point.
File format #
History can be uploaded from an XLSX workbook (recommended) or CSV file.
All employees will require a Works Id. The uploader cannot merge existing history with new history, so you will need to provide a complete history record (all dates) per employee. You can provide history for all or a subset of employees.
- AWE history dates are the Paid Date.
- Holiday history dates must be the Worked Date e.g. week ending date or last pay period date (not the pay date). You will need one row for each worked Date with the Amount paid. Optionally you can also include the Hours or Days worked depending upon the scheme being used.
There are two options to clear unwanted history from a small number of employees:
- Clear all history from all employees and then upload all wanted history or
- Upload zero-value holiday pay just for the affected employees
You can download a template or click on the image below:
Existing holiday history can be extracted from My documents > Pre-approval summary2 > Holiday history sheet and can easily be authored into the required format. If you are using a spreadsheet exported from another payroll system, you can have multiple payment types, and the wizard will let you select the subset relevant to holiday pay
- The columns NI Number, Address 1 and Address 2 must be present, but leave them blank
- AWE does not require the Hours/Days column – it will be ignored if present
- If using CSV, the dates must be in ISO format YYYY-MM-DD
- Use any date format with XLSX
- When using a multi-sheet XLSX workbook, the upload wizard will only upload the 1st sheet
- XLSX works_ids must be in text format – when using purely numeric workds_ids, either use Text to Columns wizard or prefix each workds_id with a ‘ single quote, e.g. ‘1
- If you have the first worksheet filtered using the auto-filter, only the visible rows will be uploaded.
Upload Wizard #
The examples below show the holiday upload wizard. If you’re uploading AWE, use the Company upload payments tool instead.
Go to Toolshed > Company upload Holiday Pay and click Run

Select the Company and Holiday History file:

All Payment Types found in the history file column Payment Types will be listed in the help text below this field: Extract history from… The field then allows you to enter a subset of the payment types. For example, you might have Salary, Hours, Pay payment types in different rows in the file, but only wish to upload Pay. If you only have one type, enter it here or a semi-colon-separated list of the payment types you’d like to sum together and import for holiday pay.
Clear first will delete all history for all workers before uploading. If you accidentally delete all the history, you can upload it again.
Dry-run can be used for a test pass first to check everything without actually uploading any changes. If you do a dry run, be aware on the next run, the summary messages will double up.

After you click Save Options, the upload will proceed. When complete, you will see the Summary and the upload is compete:

Verify Holiday history #
Check the history has been correctly uploaded by a Pay Run > Redo and in My documents, review the Pre-approval summary2 > Holiday history sheet:

If necessary, you can repeat the operation and re-upload holiday history.
Verify AWE History #
Optionally verify that the AWE history was uploaded correctly:
- Employee Setup > Search for an Employee > Click Update
- Scroll to the bottom of the page and click View State
On the state page, scroll to the AWE Sink state- you will see a list of History values comprising a date, frequency and value, e.g. “2023-11-28”, “m1”, 2000, which will correspond precisely with the data uploaded
"AWE Sink": {
"History": "[[\"2023-11-28\", \"m1\", 2000.0], [\"2023-12-28\", \"m1\", 2500.0], [\"2024-01-28\", \"m1\", 2500.0], [\"2024-02-28\", \"m1\", 3076.9], [\"2024-03-28\", \"m1\", 2500.0], [\"2024-04-28\", \"m1\", 2500.0], [\"2024-05-28\", \"m1\", 2500.0], [\"2024-06-28\", \"m1\", 2500.0], [\"2024-07-28\", \"m1\", 2500.0], [\"2024-08-28\", \"m1\", 1693.67], [\"2024-09-28\", \"m1\", 490.35], [\"2024-10-28\", \"m1\", 537.05], [\"2024-11-28\", \"m1\", 490.35]]"