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Bureau Client PDF Pack (Employer Pack)

1 min read

Follow this guide to create a preapproval summary 2 client pack in PDF format.

Considerations #

There are some differences between the XLSX version and the PDF version. The PDF version does not print wide data tables:

  1. Holiday entitlements, Holiday History and Holiday Accrual
  2. GB or AE (Auto-enrolment)
  3. Pay Definitions.

If you need any of these sheets, we recommend you keep both report versions (XLSX and PDF), but named differently e.g. Pre-approval summary2 in XLSX format, and a 2nd version Client Pack in PDF format which is more concise for sharing with clients.

As both reports include a journal configuration, you will need to keep these aligned – so if you change one, you’ll need to change the other.

Create a Client Pack PDF Report Definition #

Follow these steps to either download edit and upload an existing report or create a new one.

Download/Upload option #

  1. Download… all report definitions.
  2. Delete all report rows except the Pre-approval summary2
  3. Copy and paste this row onto a new row
  4. Change the name, description and format to pdf
  5. Delete the Preapproval summary2 row as you already have that report
  6. Save the file in CSV or XLSX format
  7. Company Setup > Report Definitions > Upload… to add the new Client Pack PDF report

Create new option #

Alternatively, you can create a new Report Definition in Company Setup > Report Definitions > Add

Admin My Documents #

If you have setup both documents, you will have access to both 2:

Client privileged user pack PDF visiblility #

See the guide on making company documents visible to privileged workers to make the client pack visible in Company Setup > Update the company > Scroll down to Preferences

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